25–36 termék, összesen 45 db

The ​adventures of Mickey, Taggy, Puppo and Cica, and how they discover Budapest

$ 15.90

A fairy tale travel guide for children, with a team of dogs and a cat as main characters. Through their humorous adventures children can discover most beautiful places, including the Buda Castle, Parliament, the Hilton and many others.

The Changeling of Fenlen Forest

$ 14.95
Katherine Magyarody grew up in Toronto, Ontario. While pursuing a PhD in English literature at the U of T, she researched awkward Victorian teens and wrote fiction on the sly. In 2017, Katherine won the Robert J. Dau PEN Award for Emerging Writers for her short story “Goldhawk.” Katherine enjoys hiking, swordplay, and improvisational cookery. She currently lives in Connecticut with her family.

The Fall of the Red Star

$ 19.99

– Peggy King Anderson

Boy Scout Troop During 1956 Hungarian Uprising Against the Soviets

The Paul Street Boys (A Pál utcai fiúk)

$ 26.95

A true world classic of its kind.

The novel is about two gangs of boys fighting a war for a piece of land, a derelict building site which to them is a cherished symbol of freedom, is still the same fascinating story it was nearly a century ago.

Thistle (Bogáncs)

$ 45.90

István Fekete, whose animal stories are very popular, gives a vivid picture of Thistle ans his human world, which should hold youngsters from the first world to the last.

Tükrös Kata – Looking-glass Kate (Nagyanyáink meséskönyve – Granny’s Storybooks)

$ 19.90

Tükrös Kata – Looking-glass Kate

Böske a telet keresi – Betty Looks for the Winter

Bölcs Palkó – Wise Palkó

Vasgyúró Gyurka – Ironman Georgie



Vuk the Fox Cub

$ 25.00

Meet Vuk, the little fox cub whose family has been killed by the ”Smooth skins”. He is not alone, though, his uncle Karack takes good care of him, takes him to his own home and teaches him to hunt. Illustrated by Edit Szalma

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30 angol-magyar állatmese

$ 26.60

30 kedves, rövid mese

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30 angol-magyar mese a szorgalomról és a lustaságról

$ 26.60

30 kedves, rövid mese a szorgalomról és a lustaságról. A történetek egyrészt kiváló esti mesék a legkisebbeknek, másrészt segítség a nyelvtanulásban a nagyobbaknak, hiszen minden mese két nyelven, angolul és magyarul is megtalálható a kötetünkben.

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Out of stock

30 angol-magyar mese a természetről

$ 26.60

30 kedves, rövid mese a természetről. A történetek egyrészt kiváló esti mesék a legkisebbeknek, másrészt segítség a nyelvtanulásban a nagyobbaknak, hiszen minden mese két nyelven, angolul és magyarul is megtalálható a kötetünkben.

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