25–35 termék, összesen 35 db


$ 10.00

In these marvellously written tales, Sindbad, a voyager in the realms of memory and imagination, travels through the centuries in pursuit of an ideal of love that is directed as much at the feminine essence as at his individual lovers. These short stories flow without a strict narrative framework Sindbad journeys between the past and the present and is merely a ghost in many of his adventures.

The desert of love/Wüstenei der liebe – poems

$ 10.00

János Pilinszky (1921-1981) was a unique and compelling voice among the generation of European poets whose work bore first-hand witness to the horrors of war. `The Desert of Love’ is a revised edition of their earlier selection of his magnetic, intense and haunting poems.

The Siege of Beszterce – Three Short Novels

$ 32.90

The Siege of Beszterce (1894)

Gentry Wedding  (1897)

The Sipsirica (1902)

Wir Donauschwaben

$ 110.00

Currently out of stock. If you place an order, we will contact you as soon as we receive the new shipment (soon 🙂 )

Please note: shipping from Toronto (Canada) will be calculated depending on your address: (these are estimates: USA $28-38 CAD/ Canada: ON, QC: $20-25 / Western Canada: $25-30) 

„Mi, svábokTörténetek magyarországi németekről című könyv átszerkesztett német nyelvű kiadása több mint száz település, városrész és régió bemutatásával.

Die überarbeitete, deutschsprachige Ausgabe des Buches „Wir Donauschwaben. Vorgestellt werden mehr als 100 Gemeinden, Stadtteile und Regionen.

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A Gerbeaud-tól a Párisi-udvarig

$ 10.00

(Belvárosi képek)

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Magyar-francia kéziszótár

$ 14.00
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