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The Paul Street Boys (A Pál utcai fiúk)

$ 26.95

A true world classic of its kind.

The novel is about two gangs of boys fighting a war for a piece of land, a derelict building site which to them is a cherished symbol of freedom, is still the same fascinating story it was nearly a century ago.

The Promise

$ 14.95

Based on a true story (her story) of a Hungarian Olympic Gold medallist who at the age of 23 followed her heart to the other side of the globe. Leaving behind her country, her family and friends, her illustrious status, and her love for competing in swimming at the Olympic level, she immigrated to Toronto, Canada. It was all in the name of love.

The Siege of Beszterce – Three Short Novels

$ 32.90

The Siege of Beszterce (1894)

Gentry Wedding  (1897)

The Sipsirica (1902)

The Smell of Humans

$ 32.90

A Memoir of the Holocaust in Hungary

The Transylvanian Trilogy Volume I. – They Were Counted

$ 36.95

The celebrated TRANSYLVANIAN TRILOGY by Count Miklós Bánffy is a stunning historical epic set in the lost world of the Hungarian aristocracy just before World War I. Written in the 1930s and first discovered by the English-speaking world after the fall of communism in Hungary, Bánffy’s novels were translated in the late 1990s to critical acclaim

The Two Beggar Student + The Magic Caftan

$ 25.00

translates from the Hungarian: A Két Koldusdiák and A Beszélő Köntös

The Way They Were (Két asszony élete)

$ 15.95

A gripping and moving novel. It is based on a true story about two women faced with trials and tribulations during war torn Europe. Politics (perscution of Hungarian Jews during World War II), poverty, and love separated them and forced them to move from one country to another until they eventually reunited again in Canada.

Thistle (Bogáncs)

$ 45.90

István Fekete, whose animal stories are very popular, gives a vivid picture of Thistle ans his human world, which should hold youngsters from the first world to the last.

Tusks of terror

$ 20.00

It is comforting to know that there aren’t any wild animals running loose in pristine southern Ontario communities. What if there were? What if illegally kept wild boars were let loose by vandals? What if these dangerous animals belonged to a wealthy Hungarian farmer, whose daughter is engaged to a game warden?

Under the frog

$ 26.90

brilliant recreation of postwar Eastern Europe