421–432 termék, összesen 744 db

Néger kiáltás – Fekete-Afrika

$ 8.00

Irodalmi és politikai antológia

Nevető Magyar Dekameron

$ 28.00

(magyar prózaírók humoros írásai)

Nothing’s Lost: Twenty-Five Hungarian Short Stories

$ 22.90

25 Hungarian stories depict life in Hungary as seen by some of the best Hungarian writers.

Nyomjuk a sódert!

$ 10.00

Humoros történetek, Hegedűs rajzaival

One Minute Stories/Minuten-Novellen

$ 15.00

Örkény’s little stories, which proved immensely popular in Hungary, managed to laugh at the absurdities (and also the horrors) of that world in such a genial and oblique way that he remained more-or-less untouched even during periods of the most repressive censorship, when many of Hungary’s best writers were silenced, imprisoned or forced to go underground.