kétnyelvű / bilingual , kisregények / short novels
$ 10.00
kétnyelvű / bilingual , kisregények / short novels
1 készleten
kétnyelvű / bilingual , kisregények / short novels
Unusual, shocking, politically incorrect, and humorous stories about joy and struggle of a newcomer in the United States. / Amerikai-angolt tanulók számára, illetve azoknak, akik szeretik a szokatlan, megrázó, politikailag helytelen és humoros történeteket.
translates from the Hungarian: A Két Koldusdiák and A Beszélő Köntös
This novel stages a story of adultery through which we see Bergman’s attempts to understand his parents’ troubled relationship. Through a series of revelatory confessions, Anna tells of her affair with her husband’s young friend Tomas and her unhappiness with her life as wife of a dour country pastor.
satyrical autobiography of Eve, Ancestress of us all