Early Hungarian Dancers from the 18-19th centuries
$ 19.90
Early Hungarian Dancers from the 18-19th centuries
1 készleten
Early Hungarian Dancers from the 18-19th centuries
A kódexben található gazdag, szerteágazó repertoár a korabarokk vokális egyházi művektől és európai táncokon és hagszeres fantáziákon át egészen a népzenéhez közel álló darabokig terjed.
From the dawn of time, the winter solstice has been a time to celebrate the return of light. Strada brings together beautiful musical traditions related to this event from all corners of Europe. This program, entirely sung in Occitan, is based on a 17th century manuscript kept at Avignon Cathedral in Provence, the Noëls de Notre-Dame des Doms, as well as some noels by Nicolas Saboly (1614-1675).
Mandel Quartet, László Jakobi, Gábor Kállay, Robert Mandel, István Mártha