The Devil’s Lieutenant

$ 25.00

Szerző-Author: Fagyas, Maria

Vienna. 1909. Where passion and scandal toppled an empire. … a scandal of lust and shame that spread from the humblest barracks to the bedrooms of the Emperor’s palace…and at the center of a web of deception and corruption, a brilliant, ruthless young man, his beautiful wife, his enslaved mistress, and his diabolical plan of vengeance and ambition…

1 készleten

Típus-Type: antikvár
Kiadó-Publisher: USA, Blond , 1970
Nyelv-Language: english
Oldalszám-Pages: 384
Kötés-Binding: kemény
Azonosító-Item number: 41-995
Cikkszám: 41-995 Kategória:


Vienna. 1909. Where passion and scandal toppled an empire. … a scandal of lust and shame that spread from the humblest barracks to the bedrooms of the Emperor’s palace…and at the center of a web of deception and corruption, a brilliant, ruthless young man, his beautiful wife, his enslaved mistress, and his diabolical plan of vengeance and ambition…