61–72 termék, összesen 175 db

It Was Adultery, Adam! (Megcsaltam Ádámot!)

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satyrical autobiography of Eve, Ancestress of us all


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Jaguar (1914) is the tale of the meteoric rise and fall of an apocryphal newspaper. The artfully constructed plot is set in the bohemian milieu of an easy-going fin de siecle Budapest – where Heltai himself was a young journalist – in which the telephone exists, cars do not, much importance attaches to coffee-houses and journalists rise late and work till all hours.

János Vitéz – John the Valiant

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illustrated by: Meller Peter

translated to English by: John Ridland

Karácsonyi történetek – Christmas stories

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kisregények két nyelven:
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Kid without fear – Autobiography & Memoirs

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Charles traded hand grenades with other kids like one would trade baseball cards. At the age of twenty-one, he escaped from Communist Hungary to Canada via Communist Yugoslavia, and in the same year he was hit by lightning three times on the same farm. Charles has lived his life by his magical three D’s: Desire, Determination, and Drive.

Kormos kövek / Scorched Stones

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56 vers 1956-ról / 56 Poems about 1956

Lírai bolyongások / Lyrical Rambles

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Versek, aforizmák, műfordítások magyarul, angolul és más nyelveken

Liszt’s Weimar

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Albert Morris Bagby spent the summer of 1885 in Weimar, where he attended Liszt’s classes. In the guise of a light-hearted autobiographical novel, this romantic tale reveals the characters of several real-life individuals who were part of Liszt’s circle

Ma-Today (an anthology of contemporary hungarian literature)

$ 26.00

short stories and poems of most famous Hungarian writers