193–204 termék, összesen 447 db

Imre Nagy: The Leader and the Martyr

$ 15.00

Rainer M. János

Bulletins on the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 No. 1

In Search of a New Homeland

$ 29.95

The Prehistory of the Hungarian People and the Conquest

In the Name of the Working Class – The Inside Story of the Revolution

$ 32.00

In 1956, at the time of the Hungarian Revolution, Kopacsi was police chief in Budapest. He had fought in the anti-Nazi Resistance and welcomed the Soviet Army. Purges in the police forces during the early 1950s eventually led him to question Soviet motives. He and seven other leaders were tried and sentenced to long prison terms. This fascinating insider’s account adds a new dimension to Hungary’s history.

In the Name of the Working Class – The Inside Story of the Revolution

$ 29.90

In 1956, at the time of the Hungarian Revolution, Kopacsi was police chief in Budapest. He had fought in the anti-Nazi Resistance and welcomed the Soviet Army. Purges in the police forces during the early 1950s eventually led him to question Soviet motives. He and seven other leaders were tried and sentenced to long prison terms. This fascinating insider’s account adds a new dimension to Hungary’s history.

It Was Adultery, Adam! (Megcsaltam Ádámot!)

$ 18.95

satyrical autobiography of Eve, Ancestress of us all


$ 25.00

Jaguar (1914) is the tale of the meteoric rise and fall of an apocryphal newspaper. The artfully constructed plot is set in the bohemian milieu of an easy-going fin de siecle Budapest – where Heltai himself was a young journalist – in which the telephone exists, cars do not, much importance attaches to coffee-houses and journalists rise late and work till all hours.

János Vitéz – John the Valiant

$ 36.90

illustrated by: Meller Peter

translated to English by: John Ridland

Journey to a revolution – Personal memoir of 1956, Hungary

$ 24.90

In October 1956, Michael Korda and three friends traveled to Budapest to bring badly needed medicine to the hospitals; and to participate, at street level, in one of the great battles of the postwar era. Journey to a Revolution is at once history and a compelling memoir; the author’s riveting account of the course of the revolution, from its heroic beginnings to the sad martyrdom of its end.

Just Enough Hungarian

$ 18.00

How to get by and be easily understood

Karácsonyi történetek – Christmas stories

$ 29.90

kisregények két nyelven:
– Harangszó
– A kísértetlátó ember
– Tücsök szól a tűzhelyen