505–516 termék, összesen 744 db

Tarka históriák

$ 15.00

(érdekes történetek)

Tarka rét

$ 19.90

(Elbeszélések és versek)


$ 8.00

(vidám történetek)

Thália mosolya

$ 15.00

(színházi anekdóták)

The Magician’s Garden and Other Stories

$ 42.90

The Magician’s Garden offers a selection of stories ranging from impressionistic, metaphoric, and even surreal pieces to straightforward naturalism. An entire world and time is implicit in this group of twenty-four of his best fictions.

The Yellow Dahlias

$ 12.90

This collection of short stories is very diverse, dealing with difficult times of human suffering during World War Two and the Hungarian Revolution, but it also celebrates the exultation that goes with winning a life of freedom. There are also stories of life in the Golden Horseshoe area of Ontario and the enjoyment from the multitude of lakes and beaches the area has to offer.

Tilinko – magyar írók novellái

$ 40.00

(fatáblás, faragott mintás borító, számozott példány #2136) Kosztolányi, Márai, Nyírő, Móra