25–36 termék, összesen 75 db

In the Name of the Working Class – The Inside Story of the Revolution

$ 32.00

In 1956, at the time of the Hungarian Revolution, Kopacsi was police chief in Budapest. He had fought in the anti-Nazi Resistance and welcomed the Soviet Army. Purges in the police forces during the early 1950s eventually led him to question Soviet motives. He and seven other leaders were tried and sentenced to long prison terms. This fascinating insider’s account adds a new dimension to Hungary’s history.

In the Name of the Working Class – The Inside Story of the Revolution

$ 29.90

In 1956, at the time of the Hungarian Revolution, Kopacsi was police chief in Budapest. He had fought in the anti-Nazi Resistance and welcomed the Soviet Army. Purges in the police forces during the early 1950s eventually led him to question Soviet motives. He and seven other leaders were tried and sentenced to long prison terms. This fascinating insider’s account adds a new dimension to Hungary’s history.

Journey to a revolution – Personal memoir of 1956, Hungary

$ 24.90

In October 1956, Michael Korda and three friends traveled to Budapest to bring badly needed medicine to the hospitals; and to participate, at street level, in one of the great battles of the postwar era. Journey to a Revolution is at once history and a compelling memoir; the author’s riveting account of the course of the revolution, from its heroic beginnings to the sad martyrdom of its end.

Living History of Hungary

$ 10.00

(Last President of the Royal Curia)


$ 29.95

Cardinal Mindszenty butted heads with the Communist regime over the nationalization of all schools and the removal of obligatory religion. For this dissent, he was arrested and tortured. Then the government organized a show trial in which he was convicted of treason. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Rebel or revolutionary? – Sándor Petőfi 1823-1973

$ 32.00

Sándor Petőfi, one of the greatest Hungarian poets and a revolutionary who symbolized the Hungarian desire for freedom.

Saecula Hungariae I-XII

$ 15.00

Selected writings from the age of the Hungarian conquest to our days – Válogatott írások a honfoglalás korától napjainkig. 12 könyvecske színes illusztrációkkal, történeti, irodalmi dokumentumokból tartalmaz szemelvényeket

Saint Stephen and His Country – A Newborn Kingdom in Central Europe: Hungary.

$ 29.99

Stephen established laws favoring Christianity over paganism, and sent an emissary to Rome with a request for the Pope to proclaim him as king. Pope Sylvester II accepted the request, sending him a crown and a gold processional cross, while also giving Stephen certain religious privileges.