These books have remained consistently popular with spiritual seekers, those interested in the philosophy of the East and those who enjoy a good story because of their accessible nature and easy-to-follow format.
$ 39.90
These books have remained consistently popular with spiritual seekers, those interested in the philosophy of the East and those who enjoy a good story because of their accessible nature and easy-to-follow format.
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These books have remained consistently popular with spiritual seekers, those interested in the philosophy of the East and those who enjoy a good story because of their accessible nature and easy-to-follow format.
A kínai vitatkozók – Hui Si és Kung-szun Lung fennmaradt mondásai, A kínai formális logika csírái, valamint további szemelvények. Mindkét fejezetet bevezető tanulmány nyitja és bőséges jegyzetanyag zárja; igazi szellemi csemege!