Since ancient times, fascinating individuals have claimed the power to peer into the beyond using everything from crystal balls, trances, and messages from God to ancient spirits and the stars.
$ 14.00
Since ancient times, fascinating individuals have claimed the power to peer into the beyond using everything from crystal balls, trances, and messages from God to ancient spirits and the stars.
Since ancient times, fascinating individuals have claimed the power to peer into the beyond using everything from crystal balls, trances, and messages from God to ancient spirits and the stars.
From love and family to career and investments, Chinese Astrology will allow you to explore the influences of your lunar birthdate on your life and your future. Try it for an instant reading of a person you’ve just met, or for a complete forecast of your sixty-year cycle
jóskártya – négy nyelvű: magyar/angol/francia/német
A cigánykártyából való jóslás az egyik legismertebb és a leginkább elterjedt jövendőmondási módszer. Szorosan összekapcsolódik a cigány nép történetével. Szimbólumrendszere egyszerű, átlátható. Az eredeti cigánykártya 36 lapos.
These books have remained consistently popular with spiritual seekers, those interested in the philosophy of the East and those who enjoy a good story because of their accessible nature and easy-to-follow format.