25–36 termék, összesen 45 db


$ 24.90

(Elbeszélések és karcolatok)

Tarka rét

$ 19.90

(Elbeszélések és versek)

Thistle (Bogáncs)

$ 45.90

István Fekete, whose animal stories are very popular, gives a vivid picture of Thistle ans his human world, which should hold youngsters from the first world to the last.

Tíz szál gyertya

$ 24.00

(Würtz Ádám rajzaival) elbeszélések a fordulat évéből – 1947


$ 22.90

(Szecskó Tamás rajzaival)

Vuk the Fox Cub

$ 25.00

Meet Vuk, the little fox cub whose family has been killed by the ”Smooth skins”. He is not alone, though, his uncle Karack takes good care of him, takes him to his own home and teaches him to hunt. Illustrated by Edit Szalma