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From Hungary With Love

$ 24.90

The author is hopeful that all those who read his story will have a better understanding of the love in the hearts and souls of Hungarian people. This historical fiction is based on real life events. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

(signed by author)

In the Name of the Working Class – The Inside Story of the Revolution

$ 32.00

In 1956, at the time of the Hungarian Revolution, Kopacsi was police chief in Budapest. He had fought in the anti-Nazi Resistance and welcomed the Soviet Army. Purges in the police forces during the early 1950s eventually led him to question Soviet motives. He and seven other leaders were tried and sentenced to long prison terms. This fascinating insider’s account adds a new dimension to Hungary’s history.

In the Name of the Working Class – The Inside Story of the Revolution

$ 29.90

In 1956, at the time of the Hungarian Revolution, Kopacsi was police chief in Budapest. He had fought in the anti-Nazi Resistance and welcomed the Soviet Army. Purges in the police forces during the early 1950s eventually led him to question Soviet motives. He and seven other leaders were tried and sentenced to long prison terms. This fascinating insider’s account adds a new dimension to Hungary’s history.

Kid without fear – Autobiography & Memoirs

$ 20.00

Charles traded hand grenades with other kids like one would trade baseball cards. At the age of twenty-one, he escaped from Communist Hungary to Canada via Communist Yugoslavia, and in the same year he was hit by lightning three times on the same farm. Charles has lived his life by his magical three D’s: Desire, Determination, and Drive.

Liszt’s Weimar

$ 10.00

Albert Morris Bagby spent the summer of 1885 in Weimar, where he attended Liszt’s classes. In the guise of a light-hearted autobiographical novel, this romantic tale reveals the characters of several real-life individuals who were part of Liszt’s circle


$ 29.95

Cardinal Mindszenty butted heads with the Communist regime over the nationalization of all schools and the removal of obligatory religion. For this dissent, he was arrested and tortured. Then the government organized a show trial in which he was convicted of treason. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.

My Italian Summer

$ 25.00

The novel brilliantly captures the challenge of growing up in two different worlds: Hungarian and American. The inability to feel totally at home in either environment, the loneliness of being without relatives in America, and the deeply-felt isolation of leading a marginal existence within the boundaries of two cultures

People of the Puszta

$ 25.00

People of the puszta is a part an auto-biography, part sociography (of a society that has now mostly disappeared), part a description a landscape, meshed with bits of the cultural heritage of the people who inhabit that landscape.

Private Confessions

$ 12.00

This novel stages a story of adultery through which we see Bergman’s attempts to understand his parents’ troubled relationship. Through a series of revelatory confessions, Anna tells of her affair with her husband’s young friend Tomas and her unhappiness with her life as wife of a dour country pastor.

Rebel or revolutionary? – Sándor Petőfi 1823-1973

$ 32.00

Sándor Petőfi, one of the greatest Hungarian poets and a revolutionary who symbolized the Hungarian desire for freedom.