229–240 termék, összesen 445 db

Magyar-angol orvosi szótár

$ 24.90

Hungarian-English Medical Dictionary


$ 29.95

Cardinal Mindszenty butted heads with the Communist regime over the nationalization of all schools and the removal of obligatory religion. For this dissent, he was arrested and tortured. Then the government organized a show trial in which he was convicted of treason. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Munkácsy a nagyvilágban – In The World

$ 45.00

Mihály művei külföldi és magyar magán- és közgyűjteményekben


My Hungary

$ 20.00

(album – photographs and poems)

My Italian Summer

$ 25.00

The novel brilliantly captures the challenge of growing up in two different worlds: Hungarian and American. The inability to feel totally at home in either environment, the loneliness of being without relatives in America, and the deeply-felt isolation of leading a marginal existence within the boundaries of two cultures