313–324 termék, összesen 432 db

Stabat Mater

$ 20.00

Kalmár Magda, Hamari Jíúlia, Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra, Lamberto Gardelli conductor


$ 15.00

A spirited blend of modern jazz with various ethnic and musical influences. Drawing on his multi-faceted background, Attila has created 10 compositions (stories) that are rhythmically exciting, descriptive and musical. The album is eclectic, but feels unified by a common musical spirit. Attila’s unique melodic and harmonic language is sophisticated and catchy, uplifting and stimulating, and interesting all the way through.

Suor Angelica – Opera in 1 act

$ 30.00

Tokody Ilona (Lamberto Gardelli conductotr)


$ 19.90

(operett és popdalok)

Symphonic poems Comlete

$ 95.00

5 CD set (Budapest Symphony Orchestra)

Symphonie Fantastique

$ 20.00

(Hungarian State Orchestra – Ferencsik János)

Symphony No 4 ”Italian” / No 5 ”Reformation”

$ 20.00

Hungarian State Orchestra , Fischer Iván conductor

Sympony No.49 ”La Passione”/ Symphony No 45 ”Farewell”

$ 20.00

Janos Rolla (Conductor), Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra Budapest

Sympony No8 in B minor (unfinished) , Sympony No3 in D major

$ 20.00

Budapest Festival Orchestra , Fischer Iván conductor

Sympony No9 in C major D.944 ”Great”

$ 20.00

Budapest Festival Orchestra , Fischer Iván conductor